Somewhere In Between

Sunday, June 19, 2005


One of the things I was NOT looking forward to this summer was going home to my church in Iowa. I'm not sure why, other than the fact that I have spent so much time there throughout the 23 years of my life that I see it's every fault. I've been praying so hard for the church here this year. I see so much potential in it that has gone unrecognized for so long. Iowa needs people with passion...people that see things others ignore and will do something about it.

I was a little hesitant this morning when I sat down on the same hard, wooden bench that I sat on as a small child. I didn't really want to be there. I was ready for the Heidelberg to be forced down my throat like chopped liver (don't get me wrong...I love the Heidelberg, but my past pastor acted as though it were the Bible itself and not a creed that complimented and explained the reformed belief). I looked around at all of the familiar faces and I should have felt as if I were right at home from the minute I got there. But all I was thinking was, "Get me through this morning...and then my parents will understand if I go to a different church the rest of the summer."

I was completely blown away today. This summer we have an interim pastor, a guy that I went to high school with. That was really weird at first...a total blast from the past. But what I found was such a God-thing...perhaps the answer to a few of my prayers...partly due to my changed perspective...someone who connected with the congregation and got to its core. I fully wanted to get up and shout and scream and praise God for the gift of someone honest enough to speak the truth. I know that there are more people doing the same thing in NW Iowa. Maybe I was too blinded a year ago to see that. I had to write this, so that the next time I am frustrated I can remember a time where I saw God at work in a church that often seems spiritually dead to me.

You might call me overly critical. In fact, sometimes I know that I am. I don't have it all figured out. I just long for a little bit more of heaven here on earth. I think the church needs more heaven and less of us. (But maybe its possible that we need MORE of us...there's a whole different realm of thought.) We often get in the many things can get in the way. Most people have no problem being real in worship at home, with friends or family, in the car, whatever...but bring them to church, and I'm convinced that you see a different (fake) side of people there. Why is that? Shouldn't the church be the one place where we can admit our faults openly?

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is this...What does true community look like? Any thoughts?


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