Somewhere In Between

Monday, October 03, 2005

Spiritual Emphasis Week

Well, it is Spritual Emphasis Week at DC!

Our school-wide theme this year is the "Armor of God" found in Ephesians 6:10-18. It has been really fun to plan chapels and share ideas with other classes and teachers. A few weeks ago my class did a chapel on the "breastplate of righteousness," which was a ton of fun to plan. The kids love being involved, and it gives me a chance to dig a little more in-depth into the word than I usually get to throughout the day. It can be a challenge to explain "righteousness" to 4th graders, let alone the Kindergartners who attend chapel with us. But it is a challenge that I enjoy, although sometimes I wish I were teaching olders kids so I could have more of those deeper conversations.

These are the moments I live for in teaching. I absolutely LOVED spending an hour and a half on Bible class this morning. We talked about the importance of writing the word of God in our hearts and how one of the best ways to do that is to memorize scripture. Then all my students wanted to share their favorite scripture passages. It was pretty cool to see the passages they came up with and why they like them. Memorizing scripture is something that I have been personally challenged to do more of lately. In a world that is often crazy and hectic, it is wonderful to have a passage to focus in on throughout the day.

My passage this week is James 4:13-17. Verse seventeen has a way of convicting me and humbling me every time I hear it. "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."


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