Somewhere In Between

Monday, September 19, 2005

Just to Be

I have so many thoughts floating around my head lately, and I always feel like I need to get them down somewhere.

This weekend I pet/housesat for my teaching partner Jon so he could spend a weekend in the mountains with his wife. I did enjoy having a dog for a few days, and everything went well apart from cleaning up her poop and puke! It was nice to be in a house and have some time to play "catch-up" on school things. I'm also glad to say that I was able to break away for a long lunch with Jen on Saturday. She is the only other "young" person left on staff from last year, and is someone I can be completely honest with about my joys and struggles toward the school part of my life, as well as what I feel are my callings are elsewhere.

This weekend was a weekend of focus for me.

Sometimes it can be so impossible to be focused...

I read a good chunk of the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend yesterday. When I first saw it sitting above the fireplace at Jon's house, I just had to laugh. It was one of those "Ok, God..." moments because a friend of mine has been telling me to read it. I just have never found the time to. The book made me think about how I am a product of the family I grew up in (we all are!). It helped me to realize why I feel the way I do about many of the relationships I have in my life, why I still feel certain obligations that I really don't need to feel, and how I have a hard time saying "no".

I always feel like I should be doing more. Although I think it is healthy for me to add things into my schedule to create balance, I can't be all things to everyone. I am human! I think teachers feel this pressure in a similar way to those working in ministry. It's a thought that I know I'm going to come back to in future blogs.

I'm also reading The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren right now. My small group is reading it and although I wasn't real enthused about it at first (I've read it a couple of times before), I think it might help me wake up to the areas where I am not fulfilling God's purposes in my life.

I'm learning to live in the moment instead of in the past or in the future. Why can it be so hard to live in the present? I don't want to spend my days fretting about missed opportunities, or dreaming ahead too much about what I'd like to be doing a few years from now. Life isn't about the past or the future. I can't change the past and my future has yet to be written. Whether exciting or montonous, Life is now.

I drove down to Garden of the Gods last night rather spontaneously. It is one of my favorite places in Colorado. Yesterday was one of those times where I needed to be alone and retreat with God more than I needed to be with the body. It was so awesome to sit in His presence and just exist together. My life is always so filled with "stuff" that sometimes I need a reminder to be still and just BE WITH GOD. I need to confess that I haven't been so good about that lately. I have been active in the ministries I am a part of here, and I've read my Bible before drifting off to sleep, but I need to spend more time daily just BEING with Him!


Blogger CT said...

Ah, but you are incorrect, my darling. Life is about the future, and you can only get there through the present, but you only stay there for a nanosecond, and then it is the past. So, in a way, we do live for the future--and especially in a Kingdom sense. I am coming to realize more each day how much I do live for the future. My present, however, shapes that. So I need to be keenly aware of where I am today, in order to be keenly focused on where I will be tomorrow.

Something about my journey right now is taking me to a future place. I think I like that. I know that the present moment is essential. And we do need to be aware and content in the now to an extent, but something about reaching, asking for more, dreaming of bigger and better, finding something greater is really appealing to me right now.

We are here. We are not meant to stay here. So where are we going? Only our dreams can lead us hence.

6:04 PM  
Blogger JULIE said...

You, my philosophizing friend, put it so eloquently. You are right in the sense that the present does lead us to the future. I just don't want to miss this season in my life by dreaming up the next. I agree that I always need to have an eternal vision before me. But, am I living for the kingdom RIGHT NOW if I'm missing God's kingdom tasks right in front of me? That would be absurd, because what we do today makes a difference in what happens tomorrow. Although, I will say that reaching ahead sparks this passion and desire within me that sometimes, I also, cannot contain. God has good things ahead...I don't always know where He is bringing me, but I can't wait to find out where/what that is!

8:07 AM  
Blogger TonyandKaylen said...

I just saw your comment on my site.. :)
I agree that Garden of the Gods is one of the greatest places in Colorado. It's almost in my backyard! I also second that sometimes we just need to go away somewhere and just be with God. When you take that time, it always promises to be beneficial, and usually in ways you didn't expect!

1:20 PM  

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