Somewhere In Between

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Life is Messy...

This must be where I go when I want to cry, at least after God that is. Most of the time. You really know what is going on with me when you read my blog!!

I've never struggled with such a variety of intense emotions at once in my life:

-I have a job interview this afternoon, which is THE only job that I'm really excited about right now.

-I'm happy to have a break this summer...exhausted...needing rest...yet having no idea where the next couple of weeks in my life will take me.

-Then there is the emotion of saying goodbye to DC and my students, with a possibility that I will be back. That is a twisted mess...long story...they are keeping a 1/2 time 4th grade w/ no benefits.

-And then, I have a close friend who is struggling with a lot of doubt about faith and God. This is very heavy on my heart today after a conversation last night.

But I'm happy for another day and the fact that the CREATOR has given me LIFE. Even though I have a ton of questions right now, he is my one true ROCK. The one I will never doubt because HE has been so very faithful to me.

Jesus, I surrender this all at YOUR feet.

Please pray!