Somewhere In Between

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Spirit is Moving!

Just had to say that the Spirit was really moving at Bible Study last night. We just started reading the book 'Captivating' after a really long Beth Moore study. It is not a book that you can discuss without being vulnerable and honest with each other. It is about the beauty that God created in the world, focusing particularly on the beauty of women and what characterizes true beauty. My girlfriends and I were discussing how we often look for beauty in the wrong places and how hard it is to truly feel beautiful. So we went around the room and shared the unique traits and qualities that we see in each other. It really was beautiful to see how God gave each one of us different qualities and to see how God can use each one for glory in His kingdom.

I love knowing when God is truly present in a place. There is nothing like knowing that God is sitting right there with you, working and moving. Although he cannot be physically touched, he can be seen touching us, loving us, and helping us to embrace just what we were created for!