Somewhere In Between

Thursday, March 16, 2006

My Head Hurts...

from attempting to do too much thinking in one week.

I've decided not to give up on DC without a fight. I looked for jobs on the CSI website yesterday and did some research on Christian schools in Denver. There were only one or two jobs that seemed appealing and one of the jobs I've been tempted to look into out-of-state is no longer posted. So, I guess God has already closed that door.

We had a teary-eyed staff meeting yesterday. Lots of good things discussed. Ways to promote the school, bring in kids, and bring in money. I'm completely frustrated with the school board. Just as frustrated as I was last year. But then I remind myself that I love absolutely everything else about this school. Right now, I'd even take a pay cut to stay here. Maybe I'm too loyal.

Yesterday I went home from school emotionally drained. Today I am feeling much the same way. Add report cards to the mix and I'm ready to check out for a week. But spring break isn't for another week, so I just gotta keep hanging in there. I cried on the phone with my parents last night. Then I almost cried again when I talked to David after Young Life. And now, I just want to go home, forget school tomorrow, and sleep all weekend. But there is just too much to do for that.

P/T conferences are next week. Only seven of my parents signed up, so that lightens my load tremendously. Then Valerie and Nate are coming on Saturday and will be in Denver until Wednesday. And then I think I'm flying to Iowa for the rest of my break. I miss home lately. Just enough to see my family for a few days and come back, hopefully refreshed.

Gotta go...