Somewhere In Between

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Snappy Turtles

At some point blogging becomes an addiction. It's like..."Let me blog! I can't think about anything else until I WRITE!" So, here's the amusing story of yet another day in 4th grade.

I have this box of Snappy Turtles that came to Denver with me all the way from Iowa. They used to sell them at Fareway and whenever I would go home I would buy like four boxes of Snappy Turtles. I'm not joking. Basically they are a graham cracker and a cheap version of the Teddy Graham, only better because they are in the shape of a turtle. Turtles are so much more fun than teddy bears! Well, one day Fareway decided to stop carrying Snappy Turtles. I don't know why. Every time I go home, I check to see if they are at Fareway. The past couple of times I've been home, no such luck. So now I am down to my last box. I brought the box to school on Monday because I didn't have time to eat breakfast and was out of most of my other breakfast food. When I told my students about my Snappy Turtles, they became quite excited that I have the "last box on the planet". Well, maybe not. I could write the company in Ohio and find out whatever happened to this product. (Does anyone out there know?)

So today, my students were begging me for some Snappy Turtles. A few days ago I gave each of them one turtle. Now they are writing stories about Snappy Turtles. The strangest things inspire the writing of kids. I love reading their stories. Today, they asked me for more Snappies. I told them that whoever could be quiet for the WHOLE afternoon could have a Snappy. I didn't think they'd acutally go for this trick in my teaching. But they all tried so hard to be quiet for TWO hours just for ONE Snappy Turtle...crazy! By the end of the day, I had two students left. Jordan, who has always been a star student; and my talker, Jeremiah, who is one of the most adorable 4th grade boys I've taught. Both fun kids. Funny experience. Fun day. Until later.