Somewhere In Between

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Heart Examination

I'm sitting here at my computer, contemplating the events of the past few days and listening to my new Fray CD that a friend of mine gave me Sunday night. I've pretty much been listening to it non-stop since then. It is awesome. Actually, it is a copy of thier old Cd, but still a very sweet gesture.

Guys are actually pretty sweet when girls let them. Sometimes I think girls pressure guys to be something they are not. We force guys to put on this tough show because when they do show some heart, we misread it. As the woman of God that I hope I am and strive to be, I hope I can encourage my guy friends toward God's best in their lives, to be who He created them to of God who aren't afraid to show a little heart. Not the jerks that guys can so often be portrayed as or even accused of being. This is something I've been examining in my life and something I wish more girls would think about.

Church on Sunday night was really good. Trent's message was on the busyness and hecticness of our lives and the distractions we face that lead us away from the truth. Lots of good thoughts to ponder. Will write more later.