Somewhere In Between

Monday, February 13, 2006

Broomball, Anyone?

The retreat was a lot of fun.

One highlight of the trip was playing broomball. I just discovered the sport this weekend. Apparently it is a Minnesota thing. Who knew that hitting a ball with a broom stick and slipping around on ice could be so much fun? I also went sledding/tubing and sat in the hot tub three times in the -0 temps of winter in the mountains. It was COLD, and a little crazy, but fun.

Another highlight was spending time with my small group. I have been blessed with such an awesome circle of girls to spend my Thursday nights with. Not only have I learned to be more hospitable by hosting this group once a week, but I've made some lasting friendship and have truly experienced the body of Christ in action through these girls.

Right now I'm trying to get some lesson planning done. But it is going slow. I can't focus. I'm being extremely unproductive. I'm trying to get Valentines finished for my students, come up with a few games for our party, and finish my lesson plans for the rest of the week at the same time while updating my resume. I keep jumping around from one task to another. I thought I'd debrief and see if this helps.

Self-evaluation: I'm having a very hard time being patient in all areas of my life. But don't pray for patience. I don't want to deal with further trial. I think part of the reason I can't focus on my school work is because I'm so anxious about next year and the next step for me after May. I have to decide if I'm going to go ahead and apply to SFC in the next few days. Maybe I'll go back to school next year. I don't have the money, but I never will. I'm just waiting for March 1 to roll around so they can officially tell me that they aren't giving me a contract for next year. At which point they'll probably ask me to be an aid, but I don't want to do that. I'm still praying for a miracle. My God is a BIG God. He can bring in 4th graders. He can pave the way for me to stay here if this is where he wants me.

The only thing that is certain right now is that I don't want to leave Denver. I don't want to move every other year of my life. If it were a year or two from now, maybe I'd feel different. Maybe I'd feel ready to go. Job or no job, I really want to stay here. What a difference a year makes. Last year I was praying that my job would be cut so I could go back to school. This year I'm praying that I'll be able to stay in my position, because I don't want to go back to school just yet. God and I have a long journey ahead. I need to meet with him alone more often. It can be so hard to trust him sometimes! He is trying to teach me that he will provide and that I don't need to be so much of a planner. I'm not as stressed out as I was last year, but I still have a lot of letting go to do!