Somewhere In Between

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Than It Seems

I was sick yesterday. I think it was something that I ate on Sunday. Sick enough to miss school and have to come in at 5:30am to write lessons plans. Not fun. But I knew that I wouldn’t be able to teach because I was really nauseous and dizzy. Today I am feeling a little better. I’m still dizzy and my body is lacking fluid. I lost 6 pounds yesterday. Now that is a lot of water!

Other than that, I had a really good weekend. I sort of, kind of, had a date Friday night. Well, we didn’t call it a date. But he did open doors for me and pay for me, which I guess according to most people would constitute as a date. We had a good time apart from all of those first-date awkward feelings which were soon resolved at the Super Bowl party at church on Sunday night. Strange how God puts people into your life when you aren’t looking, when you are enjoying being single. Whether this will turn into a really good friendship or something more, I can’t tell you, but I have been praying for God’s leading in this and through this.

Staff devotions this morning were about being Barbarous Christians, refusing to give up the fight and being willing to give up all we have for it. The teacher in charge played the song “More Than It Seems” by Kutless. I'm becoming a big Kutless fan. Great song. Talks about a lot of the things I have a hard time putting into words. How sometimes my dreams seem so big, how sometimes I settle for less, and how I need to keep having the courage to live a life of Radical Love.