Somewhere In Between

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

God Will Provide

God will provide. This is something that I must daily remind myself of right now. I have twenty-four more days at Denver Christian, which may sound like a lot, but really isn't in the broad scheme of things. This is likely the week that I will need to tell my students that I will not be back next year. It just might break my heart, if not theirs as well.

Surrendering is such a daily process right now. I have more to do than I know what to do with. Teaching elementary kids full time is like having a job and a half all by itself. But now that I am trying to fill out job applications as well, I find myself incredibly stressed out most of the time. I had a job interview with a Christian school for a 4th or 5th grade position yesterday. The interview went really well and I was sent home with the second part of the application. It is a huge process for a school that does not pay well at all. But it is a good school with a philosophy of education that I mesh well with and appreciate. This week I plan to start looking a public schools more seriously. I refuse to put God in a box and say that He can't use me there, because I know that He can. Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a Christian bubble...the one thing I left Iowa to escape...the one thing I constantly find myself circled around. I need lots of prayer for clarity right now.

In the midst of all of the trouble, God has given me a few things that help me keep my sanity and the first is HIM. I often try to take control of things in my life, only to find that I have no control at all. This is scary, yet comforting. The second is the prayers and support of my team at DC and my small group. I am going to miss my DC family so much. I really couldn't have asked for a better place to begin my teaching career. If not for DC, I probably never would have given teaching a chance. David has also been such an amazing support. He never fails to be there for me when I need a hug or when I need to forget my troubles for awhile. I don't know what I'd do without him right now. In the midst of storms, God always gives us gifts...and hopefully a rainbow at the end.