Somewhere In Between

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Off-Roading in a Miata

The Past 10 Days...

1) On Sunday I climbed Mt. second 14er (14, 310 ft. I believe). It was a ten hour, ten mile hike, with lots of breaks. Much harder than my first 14er but more rewarding in many ways too. I'd love to do another one this summer, probably in August. This time I think I'll do more training. Anyone care to join me? :) Oh yeah, the Miata...on the way to the mountain we were off-roading to get to the campgrounds at the base of the mountain. Some people were on the road with a Miata. Who in the world off-roads in a Miata? Pretty crazy...

2) I've been busy studying for the Praxis test which I will be taking on Saturday. This test covers a ton of information in the areas of language arts, math, social studies, and the sciences. I need to take the test to get my Colorado teacher certification and I admit that I'm a little nervous. I have actually had fun studying. I miss having time to read.

3) Got my brakes fixed...why do cars have to cost so much money???

4) I'm finally getting around to filling out forms for Colorado and Iowa state teacher licensure. My Iowa license runs out at the end of the month.

5) I went to the body exhibit at the science museum here in Denver last was amazing! The museum consists of people who donate themselves to science once they are dead. Now their bodies are on display. May sound gruesome, but actually it was quite interesting. I am awed by the intricacy of the human body after this exhibit and just how perfectly it was designed. God is so cool!

6) My girlfriends and I had threw a bridal shower for my friend Amy who lives here in Denver. Her wedding is in Grand Rapids in July.

7) Still no news on the job front but I have only filled out three applications. Part of me is entirely okay with not teaching next year...but I'm not sure where that would lead me. I am also more okay with moving than I was a few months ago. Who knows where I'll be in a few months! :) I'm supposed to hear from FRC this week.

8) I've had time to contemplate life. This is both a good and a bad thing. I've been told that Satan has time to work when you aren't busy and, even though it would appear that I have been busy by reading what I've been up to the past few days, I'm much less busy than normal. I've been dealing with lots of thoughts...some of which I'm sure are not God...and I'm having a hard time deciphering truth from lies. So many times I buy into lies without even realizing it...something I have recently been made aware of and convicted by in new ways.

Will write more later...Have a great week!