Somewhere In Between

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Celebrity for a Day

Me, a celebrity??? At least I was today to a group of 5th graders at Denver Christian. It was a four and a half hour visit filled with a ton of different emotions: joy at seeing many of my old kids again, happiness in being able to reconnect with a lot of my old teaching friends, and some sadness too.

I came during faith families chapel (mixed grades, K-8) and when it was finished half of the kids swarmed to me like bees to honey and hugged me harder than I have ever been hugged before. I spent the morning listening to the kids practice handbells, went to library with them, and sat in the classrooms for awhile. During the course of the morning I also was asked to sign some autographs. Kids are really cute. I signed the bottom of lots of shoes and wrote a few notes.

I'm glad to know that I am missed, much more than I thought I was. I praise God for those kids, for how much they still love me, for how much I still love them. I am so happy to know that I made a difference in someone's life. The dream is not lost, I helped kids know God better last year and there is nothing more valuable in this life than that.

I miss being a classroom teacher. I miss those relationships. You don't get that when you teach over a hundred kids. (I don't even know all of their names yet!) It is amazing to me how hard things can still hit you five months later...compassion...a gift I possess maybe, but not an easy one.

Compassion bleeds like no other emotion can.


Blogger CT said...

Now I have a story. Compassion is great, and that is great insight, but my story is about Chris Tomlin, so there is no room for compassion. I get to intern in the spring working with family week and I also intern in the music ministry office. Family week and the music ministry office have decided to collaborate and have a concert. They have decided to invite Chris Tomlin. I am WORKING with Chris Tomlin. I am organizing CHRIS TOMLIN'S schedule. I get to be backstage with CHRIS TOMLIN. Not because I have some silly pass that I won on KLOVE but because I get to be IN CHARGE of CHRIS TOMLIN. I get to eat dinner with CHRIS TOMLIN and call CHRIS TOMLIN and share space with CHRIS TOMLIN and maybe even grab some fair trade coffee with CHRIS TOMLIN.

HA! CHRIS TOMLIN is now officially mine!

I wonder if Chris Tomlin will ever google himself and end up here and then cancel his concert because he is afraid of me. That would be kinda funny, actually. Do you think people like CHRIS TOMLIN google themselves. I'm going to google CHRIS TOMLIN. It is really hard to write Chris Tomlin in all caps.

Love you. (and Chris Tomlin)

12:22 AM  
Blogger JULIE said...

No, I don't think Chris Tomlin sits around googling himself. He has much better things to do than to sit around googling himself. He's CHRIS TOMLIN (that is hard to spell in all caps!). I still say he's mine. You just tell me the date and I will be there to snag him from you! :) haha...

In all sincerity. That is a really cool opportunity. You may just end up marrying Chris Tomlin before I get a chance. He's too short for me anyway. ;) Although there is nothing more attractive than a guy who puts his heart out there for Jesus. You will have a beautiful wedding and make great, short, musical, preachin' babies.

Can't wait to hear more about it. :)

11:28 AM  

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