Somewhere In Between

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Spirit is Moving!

Just had to say that the Spirit was really moving at Bible Study last night. We just started reading the book 'Captivating' after a really long Beth Moore study. It is not a book that you can discuss without being vulnerable and honest with each other. It is about the beauty that God created in the world, focusing particularly on the beauty of women and what characterizes true beauty. My girlfriends and I were discussing how we often look for beauty in the wrong places and how hard it is to truly feel beautiful. So we went around the room and shared the unique traits and qualities that we see in each other. It really was beautiful to see how God gave each one of us different qualities and to see how God can use each one for glory in His kingdom.

I love knowing when God is truly present in a place. There is nothing like knowing that God is sitting right there with you, working and moving. Although he cannot be physically touched, he can be seen touching us, loving us, and helping us to embrace just what we were created for!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Processing Life

I came to the early morning conclusion that the only way I am going to make it through the next month and a half of my life is if I go to bed earlier. But the problem with going to bed earlier is that I have no idea how I'm going to get everything accomplished if I do that.

PTL - I didn't get the Kindergarten position I interviewed for!!!! I am so happy about this. I didn't have the best feeling about the whole thing, but decided that God would need to be the one to close the door, even after my interview went well. Lord knows I'm not a kindergarten teacher. I can work with the little ones at church or anywhere else. Just not as a classroom teacher. At least not right now.

Job applications have been keeping me busy. Too busy. I am thankful for understanding people in my life. I feel like I don't have time for anyone or anything but. I'm filling out an application for a 2nd grade opening at a Christian school in Littleton. I also hope to fill out a 3rd grade and 6th grade application for another Christian school here in Denver. However, lately I feel like I'm supposed to teach at a public school next year. I know that I would want to get back into a Christian school one day soon, but I think I would learn a lot from such an experience. It would be crushing not to be able to boldly profess my faith each day, but I'm sure I would learn to recognize other opportunities for ministry in the classroom and learn to appreciate the ones I have now moere. The other good thing about teaching at a public school would be that I'd be making nearly $10,000 more a that would set me up for the future (one of the two masters I would love to get, or even some extra dough for one of those ym internship-jobs that still seem so appealing).

So much to process lately. Do I move, or do I stay here? Worse yet, am I ready to leave the people that I love here? Will I ever be ready?!? There are some things about this place that I know I will forever be attached to.

It is ten minutes before the students enter my room. I am not going to be the most energetic teacher today. I'm wiped out and it is time to start what has become my addiction, coffee guzzling. You know it is bad when you start getting headaches without the stuff...yikes!

Staff meeting after school today...progress reports (mid-term grades) need to be finished...and then the YL barn dance tonight. Sounds a little overwhelming right now. I can't wait for life to again feel "normal".

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday...Happy Easter!

If I can't be around my family for Easter, at least I can spend some time with some of my good friends here. On Sunday the boy and I are going to church together and then I have a brunch with some girlfriends. I will miss my family though. My first Easter away from home. Makes me look at the celebration more broadly, understanding that it is the body of Christ that we celebrate, not the traditions that have been carried on since my youth.

Sometimes with Easter I tend to overlook Good Friday. I plan to go to church tonight and then just chill by myself. The Creator and I have been in a period of silence for the past couple of weeks. So much have I to surrender for all that HE surrendered for me.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Back to the Grind

I'm back in Denver...finally. My parents drove me all of the way to the airport on Sunday only to find out that my flight had been canceled. So, they brought me back yesterday afternoon which would have been no big deal apart from the fact that I was supposed to teach yesterday. Making lesson plans long-distance with almost nothing to look at is tough! I had a great time in Iowa after the first couple of days of culture shock. It is always awesome to see my family and I also went "coffee hopping" with my best friend Kristi and it was wonderful to catch up with her.